buildingSMART Canada


An Organization wishing to join as an Industry Council Member and wishing to engage with peer members, supported within a project delivery framework, to conceptualize, plan, implement and deliver peer identified industry sector domain real-world building and infrastructure project BIM process and BIM standards implementation. Connect with clients, customers, and users within the industry domains. Build awareness and positive brand recognition though advanced community engagement and marketing opportunities.

Benefits Include:

Quarterly Newsletter
bSC public website information is provided as a courtesy and in support of bSC’s broader goal of informing the general public of BIM organizations operating internationally and nationally, and on BIM information and BIM Standards.
bSC Member Portal: 
1 voting member + 2 bSC member representatives, each with access to member portal
bSC Member Portal – A secure online environment bSC supports for its membership. This exclusive platform is a gateway to a vast array of digital resources. Members will have access to the latest publications, essential documents and certifications, insightful videos, newsletters, and engaging podcasts tailored specifically for our community. Within the Member Portal is a Digital Library that contains essential toolkits, comprehensive Canadian manuals for BIM, and contract language documents.
Industry Engagement:

Industry Sectors – The Industry Council consists of Industry Sectors – Federal, Provincial, Municipal, Indigenous and Private. All bSC members join their respective sector group, with the level of benefits based on their  membership category in bSC. Industry sectors are the foundational body that drive innovation in bSC for its members  through sector domain projects by engaging industry partners in real-world projects applying BIM and BIM Standards.

Industry Domains – Each Industry Council Sector establishes it’s own project domains for its specific industry sector. Working in partnership with other domain participants, and/or in partnering with other industry sectors, projects of interest are prioritized and selected by all, and the domain project is lead, planned, financed and executed by domain participants following the guidelines identified in the Statement of Work. Qualifying membership classes may join a sector domain, with the level of benefits based on their membership category in bSC.

Policy, Research & Standards:
Opportunity to review/comment on draft materials for Industry Council, Sectors, and Domains, including select input on standards and policy documents.  Opportunity to participate in Industry Council domain projects by providing subject matter expertise and guidance on policy and standards required for the industry sector project.  Opportunity to participate in Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) – Subject Mater Expert (SME) activities by providing guidance on policy and standards required for that industry sector.
Community & Events:
Discounted Registration to bSC events – percentage of discount fluctuates for each event based on type of event
buildingSMART lapel pin
Eligible to participate in presentations, booths and select panels.
Priority to participate in sessions, booths, panels, sponsor workshops at bSC Events. Promotion of your membership level and brand at bSC events using signage and digital.  Opportunity to present National Industry Council domain work at the bSC National Conference
Advertising & Publicity: 
bSC Member logo for email signature
bSC Logo on your Website
Company Logo recognition on bSC Website Member Directory and Quarterly Newsletter
Press release announcement of membership with bSC & Social media on initial membership registration
Social Media Promotion of Job Postings (LinkedIn)
Discount on Adspace in quarterly newsletter (25%)
Logo and membership level featured on all marketing communications and webinars
Use Cases

